Migrating emails using IMAP (imapsync) to/from (Gmail, Yahoo, etc)

Hi all!

Last update April 5 2015!

I’ll try use the new Yahoo! Mail for a while but I need my old emails messages. I am a Gmail user and want to copy everything to Yahoo! Mail. After search a lot at Google I found imapsync. It is a Linux program that runs on the command line and can connect to a IMAP server and copy to another one.

Linux Machine

I am a MAC user, so I don’t have Linux machines except servers I don’t want to install things I’ll use just once. So I created a Ubuntu 12.10 64 bits droplet at Digital Ocean and install dependencies and start to sync my emails messages. First we must install dependencies and after install the imapsync. Take a look:

apt-get update
apt-get install libdigest-hmac-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libterm-readkey-perl libterm-readkey-perl libdate-manip-perl libdate-manip-perl libmail-imapclient-perl

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Deploying Laravel applications on a shared host


Laravel is an awesome PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell. Actually, it is on the third version and it is one of the great PHP frameworks we have today.

As a lot of frameworks, we have to create our own Apache Virtual Host to point to the public dir to improve security and only allow access to really public files.

Some people asked me to create a blog post about how to deploy Laravel application to a shared host, like my post about how to Deploying Zend Framework applications on a shared host.

Laravel file structure

A basic Laravel application has the same file structure:

  • application/: your app files, like controllers, routes, models, views, tasks, etc
  • bundles/: the bundle’s files you’ve installed for your app
  • laravel/: the Laravel’s files
  • public/: your public files
  • storage/: files about cache, session, logs, etc
  • artisan: the Laravel command line file
  • licence.txt: licence file
  • paths.php: file with paths information
  • readme.md: just a readme file with Laravel instructions

Continue reading Deploying Laravel applications on a shared host