Here I am again. Today I will talk about a LESS CSS App for Linux OS.
I use both Mac and Linux machines. Using Mac we have the excellent app http://incident57.com/less/. For Linux, we have a executable file (SH commands) that wait for file update and run the lessc command to compile the less file.
The Linux file located in this link. Just download it. http://code.krml.fr/less.app
This file uses the inotify-tools for Linux. So you have to install it too. Now I am using Fedora 16, so just type as root yum install inotify-tools
and Yum will install it. Ubuntu users can use apt-get for that too.
yum install inotify-tools
I suggest you create a symbolic link to this file. You can create a dir like /usr/share/lessapp and put the file inside it. So create a symbolic link to your bin folder:
ln -s /usr/share/lessapp/less.app /usr/bin/lessapp
Easy! So now you can run the LESS App with all your projects. For example, in the your project root path:
lessap mylessfolder mycssfolder
The script will compile all less files inside the less folder to css files inside css folder.
I hope help!
The server at code.krml.fr can’t be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website’s name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
Hi @nechinanga!
Thanks for the comment. I’m trying to contact the website to discover what happened, but thanks for alerting me.
You’re most welcome. Thanks for replying.
Nice works… thanks 🙂
have a github repo for this
Thank you bharath! Welcome!
Wow. Now this is handy. Really glad I stumbled upon this! Thanks!