Using Ruby on Rails Ajax adapter with any project, even PHP (like Laravel)


Every project you have to make some requests using Ajax, right? I know that jQuery has done a very good job and almost all project you start it is present there, together with your Javascript files. So you can make Ajax calls any time, where you want, just making the call using Javascript.

I developed some projects using Ruby On Rails some time ago, and I start to think about using AJAX in a different way. Rails uses a custom jQuery adapter to allow you to do things like that:

link_to("Destroy", user_path(@user), method: :delete, remote: true)

Continue reading Using Ruby on Rails Ajax adapter with any project, even PHP (like Laravel)

MySocial – My Social Network developed for academic purposes

Hello people!

I am now finishing my Post-graduate course in Web Development at PUCMG and I had the RubyOnRails discipline to do.

The final work was develop a simple Social Network app using RubyOnRails. I love that framework and think the Ruby language is amazing.

So, the final result is shared in GitHub at and the live app is hosted at my own domain:

This app was decisive for my interest on improve my RoR knowledges. I am in love with the framework and some GEM’s I use, like Devise and Paperclip.

That’s it! Thanks.