Migrating emails using IMAP (imapsync) to/from (Gmail, Yahoo, etc)

Hi all!

Last update April 5 2015!

I’ll try use the new Yahoo! Mail for a while but I need my old emails messages. I am a Gmail user and want to copy everything to Yahoo! Mail. After search a lot at Google I found imapsync. It is a Linux program that runs on the command line and can connect to a IMAP server and copy to another one.

Linux Machine

I am a MAC user, so I don’t have Linux machines except servers I don’t want to install things I’ll use just once. So I created a Ubuntu 12.10 64 bits droplet at Digital Ocean and install dependencies and start to sync my emails messages. First we must install dependencies and after install the imapsync. Take a look:

apt-get update
apt-get install libdigest-hmac-perl libdigest-hmac-perl libterm-readkey-perl libterm-readkey-perl libdate-manip-perl libdate-manip-perl libmail-imapclient-perl

Continue reading Migrating emails using IMAP (imapsync) to/from (Gmail, Yahoo, etc)

Deploying/Upload applications using GIT (forget FTP)


Today I’ll talk a practice that changed my life. Since when I work developing web applications I used to work with FTP to send files to server. Forget using FTP for that and welcome to the GIT world.

GIT became famous after the launch of GitHub website. GIT is a version control tool used to manage applications (or files) and control users files update and much more.

Basically you must have:

  • GIT installed on the remote machine and local machine
  • Repositories created on both machines
  • The files you want to deploy/upload

Continue reading Deploying/Upload applications using GIT (forget FTP)

Secure file upload using chmod 755


Today I will talk about secure file upload.

Please, do not use chmod 777 on yours upload files. That means everyone can write on your directory and maybe execute that file.

Use chmod 755 and be happy. For that you must have to change the directory’s owner to the apache users. In the Ubuntu Linux the apache user is usually www-data, but using another versions can be apache, httpd, nobody or just www.


chown -R www-data upload_dir  
chown -R 755 upload_dir

See you…