Why WordPress is your best option for creating websites

Hi everybody!

Here I’m again to write my first post in 2015. Last year I’ve wrote less and this year I have plans to write much more, telling about my experience with web development. I have plans to start screencasting too, but this is just plans 😀

I decided to start this year writing about WordPress. Last year I thought WordPress helped me and my company to develop websites faster with a bunch of nice features, making a better job and with less time I spent before.

So, today I’m starting a series about using WordPress to create websites. First I’m going to write about why you should use WordPress to develop your next website and after how you can do that, which plugins you can use and how to use them, one by one.

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Working with Laravel 4 or 5 and WordPress together

Hi everybody!

Updated Mar 3rd 2015: Are you using Laravel 5? Check these changes!

Updated May 11th 2014: Using Corcel project

Currently I am working on a project where I had to make some choices about technologies and how work with them together. First this project will be developed using WordPress only. It’s a College Group site, where we had to work with 13 schools around the world and each one must has the control of your own content.

This could be made with WordPress, but I think when the site is not so small maybe you can use another CMS or Framework, because I particularly prefer to work with MVC. So because some decisions inside the company we decided to use WordPress Admin Panel, that is a very good, use its architecture and its database. So WordPress will be used to the application back-end, with user control, user permission, etc.

To the front-end we decided to work with Laravel. To query information from the WordPress database we’ve used the WordPress functions inside Laravel, so it’s much better to work with a MVC WordPress.

Continue reading Working with Laravel 4 or 5 and WordPress together

Solve the problem. Just it!

These days I’m thinking about productivity and the use of PHP frameworks. I’ve read some posts about framework X or Y, defending a framework instead of another one.

I know people that use a framework like Zend Framework to develop a simple website just to say they’re using it, and not an “easy” framework. I think you must to solve the problem, not create another one. You have to use best practices but first you have to solve the problem, nothing more.

You don’t have to use a hard-to-learn framework just to say your friends you know about it. You can do amazing things with easy-to-learn frameworks, like Code Igniter, CakePHP, Laravel or Slim. You can do better even with pure PHP if you want, but you have to concern about productivity (and security of course).

Continue reading Solve the problem. Just it!

Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 3 – Important files

Hello all!

Let’s continue with our WordPress series. Today I’ll write about the main files in a WordPress theme.

First files

Above we have some files that are basic for your new theme:


This file is the root file, the home page. When you open your WordPress website it’ll get this file content. Is can also be renamed to home.php, not problem. WordPress will understand that.


As we saw in the first post about WordPress themes, this is the file you’ll have your header content. Things like navigation, logo, users welcome messages and more, you’ll find in this file.

Continue reading Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 3 – Important files

Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 2

Hello everyone!

As I said, this is our second post about Themes in WordPress. Today I’ll talk about:

  • How to create page templates
  • How to retrieve posts

If you want you can read the first post about WordPress themes.

Let’s GO!

Continue reading Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 2

Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 1

Hello again…

Continuing with our first WordPress site, now we’ll understand how WordPress allow you to customize themes.

If you didn’t read the first post about WordPress Thinking the WordPress Way – First Steps and want to learn how WordPress works, take a look.

You don’t have to change your layout or using specific techniques to create your own layout. I suggest you create the basic layout the way you want, using CSS (or LESS), Javascript, HTML, images and what you want.

File Structure

Our new theme will called grossi. Every theme you create will be stored in the /wp-content/themes/grossi.

First, you need to create the grossi folder and put a style.css file inside it with some content. This file is used by WordPress to see your new theme. After that you’ll can activate your new theme in your Administration Panel.

Continue reading Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 1

Thinking the WordPress Way – First Steps

Hello everybody!

I work with PHP since 8 years and I never took a look on WordPress. In the start of this year a customer requires me to develop his next website, but using the WordPress. So I had to search some tutorials on the Internet and join informations to make my own way to think using WordPress.

In this first post I’ll explain how to THINK in the WordPress way, the files you need to customize, create and how to get posts in yours next website pages.

How WordPress works

The first question I had is how to imagine a new website in the WordPress way. It’s easy, because it has only 2 ways of save data: Posts and Pages.

It’s simple to understand. Let’s take a sample website content to explain better:

  • About Us
  • Customers
  • Services

Continue reading Thinking the WordPress Way – First Steps

Getting an free Akismet API key for your personal site

Hi all!

Yesterday I publish a new blog theme and the spams arrived! Between 12 AM and 7 AM I received 12 spam emails in my Inbox.

So, let’s get a free Akismet API Key. I’m using the Akismet WordPress Plugin.

Locating the free plan

When you open the Akismet signup page you’ll see 3 paid plans. Just pay attention on the “Personal” plan. That you’ll find “$0-$120/yr”, so you must select that plan and in the next page you select to paid $0/yr for you personal use.

Fill the fields with your personal data and wait for the email with your API Key. After that just access you Askimet Settings page and set up your received API Key.

I hope help.
