Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 2

Hello everyone!

As I said, this is our second post about Themes in WordPress. Today I’ll talk about:

  • How to create page templates
  • How to retrieve posts

If you want you can read the first post about WordPress themes.

Let’s GO!

Continue reading Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 2

Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 1

Hello again…

Continuing with our first WordPress site, now we’ll understand how WordPress allow you to customize themes.

If you didn’t read the first post about WordPress Thinking the WordPress Way – First Steps and want to learn how WordPress works, take a look.

You don’t have to change your layout or using specific techniques to create your own layout. I suggest you create the basic layout the way you want, using CSS (or LESS), Javascript, HTML, images and what you want.

File Structure

Our new theme will called grossi. Every theme you create will be stored in the /wp-content/themes/grossi.

First, you need to create the grossi folder and put a style.css file inside it with some content. This file is used by WordPress to see your new theme. After that you’ll can activate your new theme in your Administration Panel.

Continue reading Creating your first WordPress theme – Part 1

Thinking the WordPress Way – First Steps

Hello everybody!

I work with PHP since 8 years and I never took a look on WordPress. In the start of this year a customer requires me to develop his next website, but using the WordPress. So I had to search some tutorials on the Internet and join informations to make my own way to think using WordPress.

In this first post I’ll explain how to THINK in the WordPress way, the files you need to customize, create and how to get posts in yours next website pages.

How WordPress works

The first question I had is how to imagine a new website in the WordPress way. It’s easy, because it has only 2 ways of save data: Posts and Pages.

It’s simple to understand. Let’s take a sample website content to explain better:

  • About Us
  • Customers
  • Services

Continue reading Thinking the WordPress Way – First Steps

Getting an free Akismet API key for your personal site

Hi all!

Yesterday I publish a new blog theme and the spams arrived! Between 12 AM and 7 AM I received 12 spam emails in my Inbox.

So, let’s get a free Akismet API Key. I’m using the Akismet WordPress Plugin.

Locating the free plan

When you open the Akismet signup page you’ll see 3 paid plans. Just pay attention on the “Personal” plan. That you’ll find “$0-$120/yr”, so you must select that plan and in the next page you select to paid $0/yr for you personal use.

Fill the fields with your personal data and wait for the email with your API Key. After that just access you Askimet Settings page and set up your received API Key.

I hope help.


My blog’s new theme

Hi all!

I am here to present my new blog theme. I know that I have to blog more but I am not having time for that.

So, yesterday I was thinking in a way to blog more and decided to create a new blog theme. I think a clean and small blog theme can make me feel more productive and start to blogging more.

Even I install the incredible plugin WP-Markdown that make me feel better and write more and faster.

Well, that’s all. On this theme I used free icons my Glyphicons, Twitter Bootstrap and WordPress.

Enjoy and if want contact me at @juniorgro!


MySocial – My Social Network developed for academic purposes

Hello people!

I am now finishing my Post-graduate course in Web Development at PUCMG and I had the RubyOnRails discipline to do.

The final work was develop a simple Social Network app using RubyOnRails. I love that framework and think the Ruby language is amazing.

So, the final result is shared in GitHub at and the live app is hosted at my own domain:

This app was decisive for my interest on improve my RoR knowledges. I am in love with the framework and some GEM’s I use, like Devise and Paperclip.

That’s it! Thanks.

LESS CSS App for Linux


Here I am again. Today I will talk about a LESS CSS App for Linux OS.

I use both Mac and Linux machines. Using Mac we have the excellent app For Linux, we have a executable file (SH commands) that wait for file update and run the lessc command to compile the less file.

The Linux file located in this link. Just download it.

This file uses the inotify-tools for Linux. So you have to install it too. Now I am using Fedora 16, so just type as root yum install inotify-tools and Yum will install it. Ubuntu users can use apt-get for that too.

Continue reading LESS CSS App for Linux

Configuring a VPS from scratch at Rackspace

Hello everyone…

Last monday I signup a new VPS (Virtual Private Server) at Rackspace. Let’s go!

Why do I need a VPS? Why not a shared host company?

You don’t need, but it’s better than a shared host. Using a shared host (usually use cPanel/WHM) you have to follow the company’s rules. If you want to try some framework, for example, that uses PHP 5.3 and your shared host has PHP 5.2, you are in a dead end. Shared hosts don’t allow you change that. Using a VPS you have all control about the server.

Continue reading Configuring a VPS from scratch at Rackspace

Secure file upload using chmod 755


Today I will talk about secure file upload.

Please, do not use chmod 777 on yours upload files. That means everyone can write on your directory and maybe execute that file.

Use chmod 755 and be happy. For that you must have to change the directory’s owner to the apache users. In the Ubuntu Linux the apache user is usually www-data, but using another versions can be apache, httpd, nobody or just www.


chown -R www-data upload_dir  
chown -R 755 upload_dir

See you…

Creating new Zend Framework project using Zend_Tool


Another quick tip. To start a new Zend Framework project, the easiest way is using Zend_Tool for that. Please, install first the Zend_Tool follow this link at Zend Framework documentation page.

Creating new project

Let’s starting using the command line and creating a new ZF project.

zf create project my_project_name


Now, get in the project folder and enable Zend_Layout support:

cd my_project_name
zf enable layout

Continue reading Creating new Zend Framework project using Zend_Tool